
Houses of Derayon.

Hey sluts. So, I've been super busy lately..but I have a surrrrprise for yew:
That's right. Youre gurrl Zumi Reely, here with B-doggz and Mama B-doggz werrking those hot fashuns from Derayons. Don't I look so fierrrce sitting there on Beyonce's sexual fashun gown? I love the way she opens the dress ever so slightly. She knows how to sell those Houses of Derayons gowns to full effect. Hey B, if you're reading this, please deposit my money for this job as soon as possible. gracias.

meow meow.


  1. Gurrl b mine plz, and we can talk about fashun and modeling. I love your blob FYI. it's off the chain gurrl. meow meow.
